Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Elves of the Mangelinian Woods.

The Elves of the Mangelinian Woods


Beyond the furthest walls erected by mankind,

On the islands to the north of the northernmost human settlements,

In the midst of snow covered rocks and ice covered valleys,

There remained hidden, a lush green forest,

Given life to by the underground glacial rivers,

Given heat by the sub-subterranean geysers,

Given solitude by the absence of humans,

There grew a species long forgotten by mankind;

The Elves of the Mangelinian Woods.

Pointy ears & shining hair, they didn't always posses.

Feminine poise and grace, little did they carry.

Protruding noses, were replaced by tubby snouts.

The blue in their eyes, outshone the moon on a cold winter's night.

Tall, lean, weightless bipeds they seemed;

Had strides that bridged large floating chunks of ice;

And had skin, as pale as long-frozen specters.

Experts they were in living hidden amidst the snow;

Experts they were in foraging wild northern berries.

Little about them was known by mankind;

As knowledge about them spread only as rumors and folklore;

That too, only among the remote settlements in the northern hemisphere.

Cold wintery winds they could conjure at will, when displeased.

Lakes and rivers they could freeze instantly, if they pleased.

So the next time you have a sudden snowstorm up north.

Remember there is a snow elf expressing his mirth.


-A. Prashanth Narasimhan


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